Privatise Blog

Zero Trust & MacOS WireGuard

Today we are officially releasing two major new features:

  • Zero Trust for the internal network
  • Automatic WireGuard Install for MacOS

Up to now, customers have done Zero Trust by putting different devices into completely different “ROC” networks. Today, we’re excited to announce full Zero Trust capability on the same internal network. You can now set rules for which devices can access which other devices and/or internal servers.

Under the hood, we use iptables in the Linux kernel to create the rules, which runs at Layer 3 and 4 of the OSI model. Zero Trust works fantastically when combined with our dedicated IP addresses that you can use for whitelisting & conditional access of cloud resources. Now you can lock down both the cloud AND the office easily with Privatise.

Our second big announcement is WireGuard for MacOS. When WireGuard is activated at the group level, the MacOS agent will automatically install, configure, and connect to the internet through the ROC using the WireGuard protocol. This is great if you are in an area with latency issues or if your ISP is throttling OpenVPN or IPSec.


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