Privatise Blog

Privatise Launches Cloud-Based Network Solution Amid New Global Workplace Reality

The spread of COVID-19 in 2020 has altered work patterns across the globe, with more employees encouraged to work from home. Improving remote workers’ efficiency and protecting their connectivity is of the utmost importance for companies amid a new global workplace reality. 

With the prevalence of the virus not diminishing, the Privatise team has launched a cloud-based network solution centering around the Remote Office Cluster (ROC) with compounded features such as a software defined firewall, DNS filtering, a dedicated IP for conditional access and remote access to ensure optimal network security stability.

With potential cyber threats emerging from home workplaces, the Privatise team continues to rely on its ingenuity and versatility to refine its approach to meet the needs of MSPs, and provide a cloud-based network security solution comparable to none other.

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